Terms & Conditions

1. Fees
1.1 Full payment of the course fees must be received prior to commencement of the course. Your place on the course is not guaranteed until full payment is received.

2. Payment
2.1 Payment is by bank Transfer. We will issue you with a receipt once we have received the payment into our account

3. Discounts
3.1 We are a small independent business who receive no funding.
3.2 We are therefore unable to offer any form of discount or concessionary rates

4. Materials and equipment
4.1 Unless stated, the course fee does not include the cost of materials.
4.2 Details of any materials to be supplied by the delegate will be provided either before the start of the course or at the beginning of the course.

5. Cancellation by us
5.1 Please note that courses have minimum attendance levels and may be cancelled if too few bookings are received.
5.2 We reserve the right to cancel courses
5.3 If we cancel a course we shall endeavour to give you at least one week's notice and you will have the option of transferring to another course or of having a full refund of the fees.
5.3.1 Refunds can take up to three weeks to clear.
5.4 We will not be liable for any losses (including, but not limited to, travel and accommodation costs) arising as a consequence of any modification or cancellation of courses as set out above beyond the cost of the course fee.

6. Cancellation by you
6.1 If you wish to cancel or transfer your place on a course your request should be made in writing (via letter or email).
6.2 You have a 14 day cooling off period should you wish to cancel your place on the course, the Cancellation Period expires 14 days after the date of your booking. After this time, please refer to the terms and conditions set out below.
6.3 If your written request is received more than three weeks prior to the course start date, you will be entitled to a full refund, minus a £30 administration fee or to transfer to another course.
6.4 If your written request is received 14 days after of the course start date, we are not able to offer you a refund or a transfer to another course.

7. Non-attendance
7.1 Non-attendance of classes due to illness or for personal or professional reasons does not provide the right to refunds, extra tuition or a transfer.
7.2 However, in such an event we will consider all the circumstances and take such action that we consider to be fair and reasonable.
7.3 Please note that if alternative options are offered there may be an additional administrative charge.

8. Class postponement
If a class is postponed for reasons for which we are responsible, including staff illness, we will make every reasonable effort to reschedule the class or to add the missed hours onto the remaining course classes.

9. Travel
Please ensure that your place is confirmed and the course is running before you make any travel arrangements. We do not offer refunds for travel or accommodation costs in accordance with clause 6.4 above.

10. Visas
10.1 Our short courses are not suitable for non-EEA nationals who do not have existing immigration permission that allows study as they do not meet University requirements for sponsorship under the Tier 4 or Student Visitor routes.

11. Disabled delegates
We will make reasonable adjustments for delegates with specific requirements. Please contact us prior to making a booking.

12. Delegate conduct
Delegates are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to recognise that other delegates also require support and assistance. If a delegate becomes persistently disruptive we reserve the right to offer a verbal or written warning and, if this does not resolve the situation, we may, at our discretion, ask the delegate to leave the course.

13. Minimum age
Students on our short courses must be 18 or over.

14. Force majeure
We shall not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance, in whole or part, of any or our obligations arising from or attributable to acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving our workforce or the workforce of any other party), act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm, pandemics, epidemics or other outbreaks of disease or infection, failure in the public supply of electricity, heating, lighting, air conditioning or telecommunications equipment

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